Healthy Living. Family Fun.

O'Fallon Parks & Rec

Venues & Rentals


Bikeable/Walkable Community

Renaud Center
2650 Tri Sports Circle
O'Fallon, MO 63368
Phone:  636-474-2REC (2732)
Hours:  See website for hours.


The City of O’Fallon works to make walking and bicycling an integral part of daily life. We are committed to developing the City as a walkable and bikeable community, and attempt to include walking and cycling routes in many of our Public Works projects. To accomplish this, we use three primary approaches

  • Planning, implementing, and maintaining a network of bikeable paths and routes (both on-street and off) throughout the City
  • Encouraging secure bicycle parking
  • Educating people about the role of bicycle transportation in keeping our communities livable and encouraging safe riding by cyclists and driving by motorists

Where can I ride or walk?

Park Trails and Paths

Four of O'Fallon's parks have walking paths and trails. We've created easy-to-follow maps for each, and marked distances to within one-foot of accuracy.

Online Resources

Links for information about cycling in O’Fallon, including links to non-profit and governments groups working to promote cycling in and around O’Fallon.

Safety for Bicyclists and Motorists

Below are some recommendations for bicyclists and motorists to share the road safely. Bicyclists and motorists share the same rights—and the same responsibilities—when using our public roads.

Recommendations for bicyclists:
  • Wear a bike helmet.
  • Use lights at night - white in front, red in back.
  • Wear reflective or light-colored clothing.
  • Ride in the same direction as traffic and use hand signals.
  • Ride single file and as far to the right as safe.
  • Move to the center of the lane when space is too narrow to share with a car.
  • Be predictable - don’t weave.
Recommendations for motorists: 
  • When passing, provide at least three feet of space between your vehicle and a bike. 
  • Look for bicyclists before opening a car door when you’re parked on the street. 
  • Remember that bicyclists sometimes have to move towards the middle of the lane when space is too small to share or to avoid debris or rough pavement near the curb.
  • Look for bicyclists when making turns - it’s easy to misjudge the speed of an oncoming bike.
  • Look for bicyclists before exiting a parking place or driveway.    

Summary of Missouri Bicycle Laws

What do the bike markings mean on streets?

Helpful Definitions

  • Bike lane – Designated striped bike lane on roadway
  • Bike route – Share the road signs for motorists and cyclists
  • Trail – paved walking area within a park
  • Nature trail – off road mulch walking area within a park
  • Share-use paths – asphalt/concrete paved surface at least 10 ft. wide